Thursday, October 11, 2007

From Pencils to Petals: Metamorphosis Project

Here are some photos that really let you see the change! I think when you put them side by side you can see how they warp into different forms and in the end I feel like I really showed the metamorphosis of their projects.

This next step was the hardest for can I take my middle example and make it more like Hannah's without being exactly like her project?? I decided to keep the textured paper throughout the metamorphosis. However, instead of a mat board base I chose to use cardboard like Hannah did. I made and egg like shape (like Hannah's) but left one edge of the shape a corner, to still represent a part of Eriko's box. On the corner part I included a few petals with the red and black from Eriko's project. As far as the rest of the petals, I left them natural colored and weaved them through the bottom like Hannah did in her project.

Petals, Petals everywhere! So this is the prototype that became my in-between project. I still used the rectangular shape of the box as my base, mat board and the textured paper from Eriko's box, but included many more petals from Hannah's project and used the colors from both. I think this one seems even more open and is a good medium for both.

corner view, love the textured paper!
petals seen on one side...
So here are some shots of my first iteration...I took the textured paper, shape, and black mat board used in the pencil box and mixed it in with the petals from the egg project, which I did in both the natural color Hannah used and the red and black from Eriko's box. I also used cardboard for the sides since Hannah used cardboard for her base. I wanted it to feel open and I think I did a nice job of it. However, after the first critique we determined that because of the shape, texture and color this example leans more towards Eriko's than Hannah's, so I had to come up with another "middle" example.

Metamorphosis: a complete change of form, structure, or substance ( we are supposed to take two projects completed by our classmates and show we we take a little from each and mix them together...this is a lot easier than it sounds! The above pictures are the two projects I chose...Eriko's pencil box, and Hannah Coble's egg project...I like the colors used in Eriko's box and the simplicity of her design. With Hannah's I appreciate the natural feel it has and the way it shows the shape of the egg. To combine them I noticed that they are both very open and neither of them have a lid, so that was the quality I chose for my first iteration.

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